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Help Property Owners Choose a Water Tank to Fit Space Limitations

Help Property Owners Choose a Water Tank to Fit Space Limitations

When building a house, especially on a smaller lot, it might be difficult planning where to place a rainwater tank. Many builders will often just plonk in a storage tank in the most convenient location, below a downpipe on the outside of a house. Presenting a few options, however, to the property owner, shows an attention to detail that they will no doubt appreciate.

This article will hopefully provide you, the developer, builder or plumber, with a range of ideas that you can propose to a new home owner. At the end of the day it is up to them to decide what they can afford, but if they are willing to pay for more sophisticated options, then it could also provide you with an upsell opportunity on your project.

Choosing from Different Rainwater Tank Models

If you have reasonable space to work with, then a large round tank might be the simplest and cheapest option. Should there be limited space, then three other options are slimline tanks, underground tanks and tanks that can be hidden under a deck.

These other tank options are generally found in capacities up to 5,000 litres, but keep in mind that two or more can be coupled together. You could even propose a combination of two – for example, having a nice slimline tank alongside the house with an overflow leading to a nearby underground tank. This maximises the water harvesting capacity, while making effective use of space.

Ideally, you do want to position your tank as close to a house downpipe as possible, however extending pipe is a possibility. Obviously, downpipes should be angled slightly into the inlet strainer on top of the tank. This may require creating a lower foundation for your tank, but keep in mind that a benefit with poly tanks, unlike their steel tanks, is that they can be installed partially buried underground.

As for the colour of tank, it should be matched to the house and garden. For ideas on concealing rainwater tanks, which you can propose to home owners, take a read of our article, Ideas for Hiding Rainwater Tanks on Properties.

Choosing the Right Tank Size

When working out your house plan with exacting measurements, it will make your task easier being able to refer to a table of tank dimensions with height and width details. To make your task easier, purchasing the correct rainwater tanks according to building specifications, we have put together a tabular list containing specifications on all our rainwater tanks.

As far as knowing how much rainwater can be harvested, what tank storage size is ideal and the like, you will need to discuss with your client whether they wish to simply comply with any building code, or how self-sufficient they wish to be with their water.