Source: BoneDaddy.P7
If you are looking to install a rainwater tank in your new home, then you need to be aware to any requirements that your local council might have. Council requirements vary from one area to the next so it is something that you will need to verify.
Council Requirement Considerations
Firstly, councils often require a plumbed in rainwater tank to have a storage capacity not less than 1 kilolitre (1000 litres). This minimum capacity is for household use and is additional to any other water storage tank requirements that your council may require.
If you are located in a bushfire prone area, then your council may also have a water retention requirement. Retention means there is a minimum amount of water that you will need to store (retain) in your tank. Depending on the level of risk, new homes in bushfire prone areas need to allocate anywhere from 2000-22,000 litres of water storage to fighting bush fires.
If your property is located in a new subdivision, then you may also need to have capacity for stormwater detention. This means capturing and detaining rainwater in a tank that is then slowly released over time (so is not kept for household use). This is especially important in areas where stormwater can overflow from drainage systems in big downpours.
Lastly, if your tank is plumbed into your home, councils often require an “auto-switcher” installed so that your water supply makes maximum use of your tank rainwater but automatically switches to mains water when needed.
Property Space Considerations
When building a new home you should carefully plan where to place your rainwater tank(s). Never try to just make room for a water tank as an afterthought or you may end up with a tank that does not complement its surroundings or requires costly plumbing work.
Builders usually have defined building plans for new homes including the size and location of your rainwater tank. Keep in mind that the size of your rainwater tank may not be only for your household use, but may include the council storage requirements mentioned above.
If you own a large property or live out in a rural area, then you will likely have the luxury of space. Your only consideration will be figuring out the best location to hook up your rainwater tank to your catchment area.
If your property is in a suburban area, then you may have limited land space. You may not be able to fit the diameter required for a large round water tank. Instead, smaller tanks can be linked together to reach your required capacity. Optionally, there are rainwater tanks that can fit inconspicuously under a deck, water tanks that can be buried underground and of course the narrow designed slimline tanks.
Review Your Building Plans
Team Poly provide a free service to review your building plans and recommend an appropriate tank solution to fulfil your rainwater storage requirements. If you have found this article in any way helpful, then we invite you to contact us today.