Articles with Tag(s): "water-pumps"

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3 Benefits Water Pressure Pump Covers Provide

June 15, 2018
Water pressure pumps cost a few hundred dollars and they often need to be placed in an outside area. While many pumps are made to function in the open, without any protection they will be hit with the sun’s harmful UV rays, soaked with rain and hail, and face the extreme weather which hits Australia. […]
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Components of a Fully Integrated Rainwater Harvesting System

June 15, 2018
  Your rainwater tank is a key piece in your rainwater harvesting system, but it is one of many when it comes to delivering quality water into your home. There are various components (accessories) to the system to consider that can affect your water quality, how the water is distributed around your home and the […]
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Main Tank Fittings and Accessories When Plumbing in Your Rainwater Tank

June 15, 2018
When buying a rainwater tank, you can save money by ensuring many required fittings and accessories are included in your deal. This is especially important if plumbing your rainwater into your house. This article is intended to help you know what other fittings and accessories you will need when plumbing in your rainwater tank. Standard Tank Fittings As […]
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Package Pump Stations for Stormwater, Drainage and Sewage

June 15, 2018
Pump stations are used to pump fluids from one area to another. They are often used for assisting with three different drainage functions: Stormwater – draining areas that may pool with water during downpours and/or areas that might otherwise flood Surface water – ongoing draining water from a surface source to another area to be stored and/or used as needed […]
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Recommended Accessories for Your Rainwater Tank

June 15, 2018
  When you purchase a rainwater tank then there will be other parts and accessories that you will need. Sometimes they will be bundled with your water tank, often saving you money. Other times you will need to purchase them separately. The usual tank fittings and accessories include: tank fittings and tap leaf strainers and […]

Things to Consider When Buying a Water Tank Pump

June 15, 2018
A water tank pump (also known as a pressure pump) is required in order to use tank water throughout your home. The pump pushes the water out of your tank providing you with pressurised water at the various tap points in your house. Homeowners generally require the tank pumps either to service their household water supply and/or […]