Is It Worth Buying a Rainwater Tank?
Water is a limited resource. Australia’s homes and industries continue to use more water, which has pushed prices higher and higher over a number of years. Prices look almost certain to continue rising along with this increasing demand. If you own a business and water is a significant cost, particularly for industrial businesses, installing a rainwater tank could help protect you from these increases.
Why Should You Install a Rainwater System?
Rainwater collection systems allow you to take advantage of the free supply of rainwater that falls on your roof. Rainwater is completely safe to drink and is used in many rural homes as their only water supply. This means that you can have clean, drinkable water without any on-going purchase costs.
The rainwater is safely stored in a tank ready to be used when you need it. Tanks come in a variety of sizes to suit your needs.
As well as the water being fresh and free, rainwater isn’t subject to the restrictions that might be put on your mains supply. You can continue to use water as you wish during drier periods so it won’t affect the running of your business.
Do Rainwater Tanks Actually Save Money?
Take a look at your latest water bill and compare it to 10 years ago. You will no doubt notice a dramatic increases in what you pay for water.
If you can, calculate how much you would spend over 25 years on water from a mains supply – even if water prices didn’t rise again. Use this figure to compare against the cost of a rainwater system.
Large rainwater tanks may seem expensive to install, but they last a long time. All the water you collect once installed is also free to use – so you can save money in the long term. There are maintenance costs and electricity is needed for water pumps, but such costs are relatively small.
In fact, when comparing rainwater systems against a mains supply, including maintenance and electricity, PACIA estimates that it takes around 5-10 years to pay back the cost of a rainwater system in an industrial setting. After this point, your business will be saving money every day with a rainwater system.
Every time the price of your mains water supply up, you will save even more with a rainwater system. So adding water price increases into the mix, it becomes even more cost effective for you to install rainwater tanks.
How Long Water Tanks Last
Team Poly’s water tanks are built to the highest standards and are warrantied to last 25 years. Basing estimates upon installing a more expensive rainwater system that takes 10 years to pay itself back, you will have the benefit of at least 15 years worth of savings.